Here are the latest product development and technology news that I find interesting.
New Smartphone Battery Goes From Dead To 70 Percent Charged In 2 Minutes,Scientists Say This team of researchers in Singapore have supposedly developed a way to charge batteries quickly by replacing the graphite normally used in the battery's anode (negative pole) with a gel made from titanium dioxide. They have applied for a grant to build a large-scale battery prototype for electric car tests, and say these new batteries could reach the market within two years.
New iPads Come with Special, Multi-Carrier “Apple SIM” & Apple's Quiet Attempt to Shake Up Wireless Carriers Could Benefit Us All Have you heard about the new “Apple SIM” that comes with latest iPad? It’s a software programmable SIM, meaning you can change carriers without swapping the SIM card. Participation is limited now, but Apple is trend-setter, so I imagine that we will all be able to advantage of such a SIM 2 or 3 years down the road. This could have a huge impact on how cellular carriers compete for business!
Gartner's Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015 There’s nothing earth-shattering, or even surprising, on Gartner’s list if you follow technology… but the concept of software-defined infrastructure is quite intriguing to me.
The'Internet of Things' Will Be The World's Most Massive Device Market And Save Companies Billions Of Dollars The growth in mobile computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to amaze me... a projected 6.7 billion connected device shipments in 2019! (Yes billion, with 9 zeroes.)
Finally, I found the chart below from MIT Technology Review very surprising and worth sharing. This one chart provides great insight into the whole Net Neutrality debate, and explains why a few companies who need tons of bandwidth will be more than willing to pay-to-play. The impact, if any, on small users like us remains to be seen.
New Smartphone Battery Goes From Dead To 70 Percent Charged In 2 Minutes,Scientists Say This team of researchers in Singapore have supposedly developed a way to charge batteries quickly by replacing the graphite normally used in the battery's anode (negative pole) with a gel made from titanium dioxide. They have applied for a grant to build a large-scale battery prototype for electric car tests, and say these new batteries could reach the market within two years.
New iPads Come with Special, Multi-Carrier “Apple SIM” & Apple's Quiet Attempt to Shake Up Wireless Carriers Could Benefit Us All Have you heard about the new “Apple SIM” that comes with latest iPad? It’s a software programmable SIM, meaning you can change carriers without swapping the SIM card. Participation is limited now, but Apple is trend-setter, so I imagine that we will all be able to advantage of such a SIM 2 or 3 years down the road. This could have a huge impact on how cellular carriers compete for business!
Gartner's Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2015 There’s nothing earth-shattering, or even surprising, on Gartner’s list if you follow technology… but the concept of software-defined infrastructure is quite intriguing to me.
The'Internet of Things' Will Be The World's Most Massive Device Market And Save Companies Billions Of Dollars The growth in mobile computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to amaze me... a projected 6.7 billion connected device shipments in 2019! (Yes billion, with 9 zeroes.)
Finally, I found the chart below from MIT Technology Review very surprising and worth sharing. This one chart provides great insight into the whole Net Neutrality debate, and explains why a few companies who need tons of bandwidth will be more than willing to pay-to-play. The impact, if any, on small users like us remains to be seen.
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